Payment details
In order to make payments, we request a bank transfer since we do not take
credit cards. We hope this will not cause any inconvenience.
Swedish account:
Danske Bank
Bankgiro: 5316-0412
IBAN SE59 1200 0000 0123 5037 7334
Nordic Trails address in Sweden:
Nordic Trails
Flädermorsbacken 22
16762 Bromma
Tel: 00 46 (0)730 633736
Travel Guarantee
Nordic Trails holds a travel guarantee with the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) to ensure the customer financial protection when a trip is cancelled or interrupted because your travel operator has become insolvent, and thereby complies with the Swedish Travel Guarantees Act. The traveller can then apply for compensation through the travel guarantee.
Follow the link below to check Nordic Trails' travel guarantee: